Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing and the Scientific Committee we would like to cordially invite you to participate in the “1ST WORKSHOP FOR SOLID ORGANS/TISSUES AND BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT IN REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA: ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES” with International participation, taking place on 10th and 11th of December 2021 in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.

The workshop is organized by the Macedonian Hematology Association and the National Transplantation Coordinator of The Republic of North Macedonia, in collaboration with the Macedonian Immunogenetics  Association, and under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Health of The Republic of North Macedonia and the Minister Venko Filipce.


This meeting will be focused on contemporary trends in the field of Solid organs/Tissues and Bone marrow transplantation, presentation of our experiences, as well as the future challenges and perspectives of these therapeutic methods. 

We are  excited to welcome world renowned speakers, all of whom are experts in the field of Solid organs/Tissues and Bone marrow transplants, who are going to present their long term experience but also ground-breaking news related to transplantation. 

We are convinced/ We sincerely hope that this meeting will be of great interest for all the participants in providing experience exchange, knowledge and skills improvement that would finally lead to cutting-edge new perspectives for all our patients.

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